Founder of
My team is now much more confident with navigating Klaviyo's flow systems, and have a good grasp on the different flows and how they contribute to our overall flow strategy. Since launching our Welcome flow, we've already gotten responses from our customers that they loved hearing our story. With Kris’ flow toolkit, I got the structure of each flow, learning how many emails it takes to nurture customers and lead them on a journey.
Going through each flow really helped our team gain clarity and insight on the message we want to send out to our customers. It's strengthened our mission as well as where we want to position ourselves. Absolutely recommend the training. Having the deadlines each week to submit for feedback was a good motivator for us to finish flows, and getting Kris' feedback so quickly and efficiently was extremely helpful. Also, going through the training meant that we are able to carry on the work ourselves in the future. And, now we send much better newsletters!